DAS2000 - User Configurable CEMS Data Acquisition Software
Our DAS 2000 monitoring and reporting software is the direct result of over 14 years of applied knowledge, expertise, and experience. Knowledgeable CEM experts look upon DAS 2000 as the most reliable and easy to use CEMs software in the industry.
Plant personnel need not spend countless hours trying to “figure out” how to work with or optimize DAS 2000. Nor is time wasted on endless attempts to access and review data. And no time is spent by plant personnel in making sure DAS 2000 complies.
Due to the ease of use of DAS 2000, operators and engineers quickly master the intuitive lay out of the data and system set up. And combined with the automated data handling routines it means more time for plant personnel to focus on other tasks at the plant.
Some key features of DAS2000 include:
Ease of Use
Developed using Microsoft products, it becomes immediately apparent to
the CEMs expert and beginner alike that DAS 2000 clearly
lays out the data and its structure in an easy to
understand and work with fashion.
With minimal training users become proficient
that adds up to reducing time in working with your CEM
system and data.
Fully Compliant with Local, State and
Federal Requirements
DAS 2000 is used all over the U.S and other parts of the world in scores
of different regulatory jurisdictions.
Meeting such varied State and Local requirements
as PADEP Rev 8 reporting and SCAQMD, DAS 2000 is also
fully compliant with the applicable Federal CEM data
handling requirements such as 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart
Db, Subpart O, 503 and 40 CFR Part 75 (ECMPS XML
Network Ready With Interchange to
DAS 2000 was developed to enable you to use it as a stand alone, single
station or as part of a larger network of data
monitoring and reporting stations.
Over your LAN or WAN, you may have any number of
PC stations running DAS 2000 and simultaneously
accessing and working with the data.
Functionality at the various stations can be
limited by your choice based on the user needs.
Examples include Operator and Maintenance
stations, EH&S station, Manager’s Station, etc.
At many of our installations, DAS 2000 shares information with the plant
SCADA and DCS systems as well as with plant historians
such as OSI PI.
We have fully implemented the OPC standard to ensure
that we can talk to a nearly limitless number of
This ensures a seamless flow of information
across systems to maximize your ability to work with all
of your plant’s data.
Communicates With Multiple CEM
DAS 2000 has no practical limitation to the number and types of CEM
controllers it communicates with.
And although the Trace controller of preference
is the Allen Bradley Logix family of PLC’s, DAS 2000
also communicates with GE, Siemens, Modicon and other
PLC types along with ESC and H2NS data loggers.
This ensures that you can use the controller of
your choice and still be able to use the best in class
DAS package, DAS 2000.
Retro-Fit Ready!
We have deployed DAS 2000 in scores of plants to replace an existing DAS
This means you may keep your CEM intact and simply
install DAS 2000 in place of a deficient or
non-compliant DAS.
Because DAS 2000 can communicate with so many
different types of CEM controllers, DAS replacement
projects are quick and trouble-free and the results are
guaranteed to be compliant and application specific.
And because Trace is a full service CEM provider and support company, we
are ideally suited to deploy our DAS 2000 and deal with
the many technical issues of interfacing to existing CEM
User Configurable-Why Be Tethered To
Your DAS Supplier
DAS 2000 is the only user configurable CEMs software in the industry.
This means that you may modify the look and
lay-out of screens, add inputs, change or add alarm
settings and interlocks, and add or modify report types.
With the proper password level (there are four
levels of password to ensure security) you will have the
keys to drive the bus if you so wish.
This can save thousands of dollars and a great
deal of time.
Trace believes in the ability of our clients and
we empower you to take as much ownership of the DAS as
you wish to.